Thursday, November 1, 2012

Email Extractor. How to extract emails from forums, blogs, websites?

I want to tell you about application named email extractor I stumbled upon. It extracts email addresses from community bulletins. You might not know where your audience/customers/leads live Use these keywords in email extractor and it will find all of them in search engine like google.

Email extractor may search email addresses on websites like forum, blog, Facebook, Twitter or in any other place where audience is concentrated. Do you know how to extract customer' contact information such as emails from websites like blogs and forums ? One of the ways is to search them in any search engine or let this work do to email extractor which automates the process. You can extract all emails from documents, text, files.

Email extractor may take out emails from mail boxes, files , and so on. One of the easiest ways to say about your product/service is to contact potential customers. Do you know where your potential customers surf on internet ? they are surf on forums, blogs and any websites.

Email extractor is useful when you must contact customers and make advertisement campaigns. In some situations you don't know websites you need to extract emails from but you know some keywords describing your customers. All you need to do is to type keywords in the in application and click search inside email extractor. Extract emails from sites Enter site/blog/forum name you want to scan and extract email addresses.

What if you have a great product/service you create and nobody knows about it. How to reach your audience/customers? You have to advertise it somehow. Sometimes you don't need to scan and extract emails form the whole site but only one or list of pages. Enter urls to email extractor and it will do the work for you. They all have email addresses. It happens that people leave emails and phones on sites open.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Solar charging from Toyota

Toyota has developed a charging station for the batteries of hybrid vehicles (PHV - plug-in hybrid vehicles) and electric vehicles (EV - electric vehicles), which converts solar energy into electricity. Earlier it was reported that the network of filling stations for electric vehicles the company plans to build a McDonald's.

Thus, the municipal government of the city in the prefecture of Aichi Toyota reported that in the near future plans to build a charging station 21 in 11 places in the city. The stations will be installed near the municipal offices, railway stations and other public places. These stations will serve the 20 hybrid cars Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid. Work is expected to be completed by April 2010.

Each charging station contains a.
photovoltaic solar panels. and energy storage system. The station is connected to power grid. Thus, the solar panel generates energy that is stored in the accumulator. Electric charge when you connect your own batteries from Battery Station. If the battery capacity is insufficient, then the electric car gets its power from conventional power supply. As a result of such a station can be used in any weather and at any time. At the same time when fully charged battery connected stations and the absence of electric vehicles, it can give energy to the network, acting as a conventional power plant. Power of solar panel, this charging station is 1.9 kW, and the battery capacity - 8.4 kWh.


Monday, June 4, 2012

How to protect copyright while retaining the freedom of the Internet

For a short period of time, the world suddenly heard of such things as'. bill SOPA. ' America,' ACTA ' in Europe, the caesura in Twitter and closing fayloobmennika ' EX. UA ' in Ukraine.


Saturday, June 2, 2012

SeedForum Kiev 2011 - Sidforum Kiev 2011 hot on the trail...

And so 29. 11. 11 held in Kiev in 2011 Sidforum.
I'll talk about what our eyes a startup is far from the nuances of policy and not affiliated with any organizations - m. e. plain what the team needs money to implement ideas.
The forum itself takes place in several stages. At first, gaining an application and review of applicants. Select a decent pitching projects and invite them to the pitch- Training, which prepare them to speak to investors.

In Kiev, he was held November 4, 2011. We selected 12 startups to pitch the courses of which five were then selected for presentation of projects to investors.

Training conducted in person, he Steinar Hoel Korsmo chief executive and president of Seed Forum International. Objectives of the training were:.

  1. enter in the course of the process of obtaining venture capital investment.

  2. 30 and second pitch.

  3. 7mi minute pitch - presentation.

It must be said that a great coach Steinar. If at the beginning of training in one minute about themselves clearly could not say - at the end of all the well- invested in 30 seconds.

Also assorted 7mi minute presentations were given recommendations for improving.

Then all were released, and 5i selected startups received an invitation to the forum itself at 29. 11. 11.
They were:.

  • MyTeamVoice. - The service of group communication in games.

  • BuntarGames. - Mobile game.

  • Childlight - kinnect for the treatment of children.

  • KINT - sort of a training system.

  • Endorphin - a site for speed deytitga.

( other sites are not found ).

The day before, all gathered - listened to the revised presentation, again, given all the advice and released the next day to prepare for. It should be noted one drawback - the training was in English, as well as presentations and reports. But this evening, all told what to do in Russian. and all had to revise and retrain for the night. And all because we have a poorly educated country, and 70 % of investors do not understand English.

The forum itself was held in the Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine.
After an hour of speeches of the forum organizers, partners, etc. formal part in which everyone was talking about the goals, perspectives, etc. (. everything in the room almost fell asleep - except for start-ups that had experienced before the performance. ).

Then a short coffee break.

And startups one by one began to reports in the format of 7 min 3 min presentation of the issues.

Training must say was very helpful - all well- invested in the format and were head and shoulders above anyone that came the first time in Training.

In fact, all projects are different and from different areas of the market.
from the gaming industry to fish oil.

Investment is also needed different amounts - from 50K to 2M.

He played a couple of foreign start-ups - Norwegian fish oil and Bangladesh blogoset - sotsialka.

In general, the audience showed little interest in the proceedings, and to be honest I end up never knew who it was.

Everyone asked the question on the 2.1 was the end of.

The next checkpoint - Buffet / Networking.

Again, everything was still very quiet.

If you ate readily - that communicated not.

Actually what investors like to invest the money was found.

In the evening everyone was invited to a reception at the residence of the King of Norway in Ukraine, where all received the Ambassador.

Already there was a full- Networking. But here's what investors did stnova would like to invest in startups - not detected. All there is probably already familiar - wonderful talk and darted between startups.

The problem for start-ups in a Networking vividly described in paragraph 4 and 5. 10 Things Entrepreneurs Don't Learn in College. author James Altucher.

To summarize - the event is not a standard format for. It was very useful to get Training presentations. but that would have investors prepared;).

I wonder - was there at least one project for a specific proposal, or it was just before. viewing, as well as on. IDCEE. where to look even more come to talk than to do something specific - namely, investment.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Passive income or Kiyosaki in Russian

Briefly retell paradigm Kiyosaki, the majority of people (' poor ' ) takes its accumulation in the passive, spending the last money to buy things which will be used solely for personal purposes ( car, house, mobile phone, a trip to the sea). It is in the eyes of the ' poor ' people and is the pinnacle of development - to earn and spend. ' Rich ' people spend on themselves only surplus. The main objective of the development of a rich man - money to create new money by creating a surplus that can already be spending for personal use.

T. e. summing up the ' poor ' people to solve their problems have to constantly work hard ( to death ). ' Rich ' man all his life creating sources of income, to have a regular source of funds, ensuring a comfortable life.

Continue to discuss this topic can be infinite, but the purpose of this post is not it, but an attempt to describe the potential sources of passive income in relation to Russia. Unfortunately, all that tells in his books, Kiyosaki, almost nevoplotimo in the Russian context. We do not have a cheap mortgage (3.5 %), we have virtually no opportunity to buy property without a mortgage, buying precious metals in the short term, Russia is unprofitable, and in the long term is almost no profit because of metals is realized only at the level of banks . So almost all the advice Kiyosaki does not apply in Russia (I think that in the CIS countries the situation is not better). There remains only one piece of advice - start thinking about how not to save money, and multiply!.

1) Pension.

For years, even decades hammered into us this thought: ' work, but after 60 the state will take care of you '. Actually, the comma after the word ' play' and the break of reality. At retirement, we expect that the state will take care of us, but working, we do not make any effort to make our pension was large enough.

I will reveal the great secret. State support for senior citizens is greatly exaggerated. All of us during the year are making a small amount in the form of pension deductions from wages to the pension fund. Yes, it is controlled by state-owned company, but the essence remains the same - for the entire period, as we work with some of our money on deposit and accumulate on reaching retirement age begins to be paid back. T. e. Our pension - it's not a gift from the state, it is our money that are held and how to BE multiply, and then returned in the form of pensions. So thanks for a low pension, you can only itself. Each year, every citizen receives an extract from the pension fund. I watched her - the accumulated amount is not enough for me even on my 1 month of standard expenses.

In the ' enlightened ' countries, pension fund significantly more. In addition, there are private pension funds and engaged in not only saving money, but their multiplication. In our - pension tax so ridiculous that it does nothing to control the. Correct the situation can be a bit part in the transfer of funded private pension funds, and voluntary contributions to increase. You can easily write a statement at work and to list two to three times more. However, I believe that pension funds - is for the lazy. In addition, I am embarrassed by the idea of ​​retirement savings: you invest in penny, and then to get a penny back - sometimes you want to get all the collected amount on hand. So quietly put retirement on the last place among the sources of passive income. But if you are other ways, too, do not like - try to have your salary was as white - this ensures the maximum for your contributions to the pension fund.

2) Deposit.

I, like Kiyosaki, an extremely negative attitude to mutual funds. Worst investment does not come up with. Or work directly with the shares ( if money is not enough, there are always brokers), or not at all. But mutual funds - is meaningless and also quite risky investment.

But with deposits now everything has become much more interesting. First, the state guarantees safety of deposits up to 700tys. rubles. The second point on the background of the crisis have increased deposit rates - for now it is 15% to 20%. Third, again, the crisis has brought about changes: now we can conclude a deposit agreement, which the dissolution does not deprive you of accrued interest.

Let's say you have 1 million. rub. Open up a 18% deposit - get income 180tys. / year. or 15tys. / month. You say 1 million. - A lot? . rubles (!), and thus guarantee a pension of 15tys. rubles / month. rest of your life. In my opinion, a very good pension.

In addition, when the time comes to move to the cemetery, you are sure that you will not be buried in a plastic bag, and relatives, even shed a tear avaricious, because the inheritance is left after you have a very decent.

Thus, the two deposits (or three?) To 500 thousand. solve your problem on the rest of your life. A great passive income for the lazy. Although this is not the way, from which I am personally delighted. But for the average employee with a salary of 15tys. rub. - The most it.

3) Work for the sake.

Dream of office plankton. Such work is not to work, and wages paid. In fact, such work is complete. She paid not very good, and sometimes even takes time, but very very free freebie is no.

It is difficult to generalize as a passive income, it turns out, so I'll just tell you how it happened, I. It just so happened that I was in my area is good and qualified specialist. So on my first job I went to meet them and keep jobs and wages, but the time I have - on call. Over time, I had the second such work. In sum, they bring around 11-12 thousand. rub. Works - 1-4 times a month to go for an hour or two at the same place and time in a month - more. My work often has the character harder to wipe the screen (I'm exaggerating ), but the salary is pleased with their regularity. Moreover, we must bear in mind that both organizations are still paying taxes for me - pension increases. ).

4) Business.

One of the most common ways to create passive income in Russia is today a business. Big or small - does not. Important: to create, promote, bring to a guaranteed income. Further variations: to find the manager, to put it so that only the monitor. and m. n.

4a) Rent.

The most simple and easy option of earning on the basis of their own business. Acquisition of real estate in Russia for this purpose it uninteresting: odnushki price is 15 -year lease - too big payback. But some are lucky and they are not the only flat due to various intricacies of relationships.

As of today, and I look to the real estate market. The current situation has forced builders to drop prices, and now there is a favorable situation for the purchase / construction of real estate. Another not so good as we would like, but should follow. Anything can slip. In addition, the market should start to grow confiscated property, and there prices are expected to more than enjoyable.

4b ), mini- shop. shop.

Being a shopkeeper nestydno. However, today the young people in this sector a little bit - still, all of the Internet and Bring govnosayty in Sapa. Recently, I showed you blog seller of meat, but is rather an exception to the rule. And in vain.

Small shops are stable enough to return, in terms of moving mobile, low-cost. Yes, there is a sea of ​​hemorrhoids, as in any business. But the scheme is very simple: store- wholesaler - buyer. Once a week pick up the goods on the base, put up for sale the seller.

To put such a business and bring it to profit, takes about 5-7 years. Some - faster, but we will focus on the top bar. In the future, the workflow becomes so routine that you can do it with one hand or even delegated to mercenaries.

In fact, something like running any other intermediary business, but the shop is much more stable: eat and drink, fortunately, people will always. Yes, it can be placed next to the super and the lure of all buyers, but may run over competitors or criminals. But to solve these problems in the fire regime, and you will have the best 5-7 years. Then - this is just routine - you will be hard to impress.

Should we expand? . Or maybe you have never seen the skills to manage. But, IMHO, the network Chipka the city - this is not the format for the creation of which it makes sense to apply management skills.

4c) and the Pyramid of Investments.

If you throw the various fraudulent schemes, is a lot of options, how to be at the start of a large and stable business in the future to receive dividends from it, not taking a direct part.

This MLM company, for example, the same or Oriflame Faberlic. This investment involved in startups. This and various refovodstvo. Getting involved wherever possible, at least in percentage, half a percentage point, a quarter per cent, you warrant to a relatively calm and stable income. Yes, as every investor, you will need to keep your nose to the wind and keep track of their assets ( and increase or reduce them). But it already does not require regular continuous participation. Rather, it is a nice hobby.


Of course, one can read this, start vopet: ' No one can believe in! . Actually, once you've started this screaming is just close this blog, remove it from the reader and easy to work in an office or a factory, hoping that you will still grab the opportunity and perepadet rest of his life, nervously twitching on call at the door, spend the . But I want to believe that something is changing in this country and every day those who are counting on help from above, smaller, and those who make their own lives and not just as a long-term perspective - more. Good luck!.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Friday, May 25, 2012

MS Office: You may use a stolen version?

I liked the fact. Look. how many magazines you can find these CDs! . Tens of millions! . I wonder if 90% of users take advantage of these drives, put the office, and then it kryaknuta, then the remaining 10% of honest customers if the company discourage their costs?.
The course of an interesting. Maybe even something bold.

25 black humor jokes

For a little girl fits a maniac, and says:.
- Girl, if I cut off your finger, how many left?.
- Three.
- What three? .
- Do you have approached me.


The woman is not working toilet, she is plumbing. Those without a word began to work hard plunger soon use it to pull out of the toilet bowl for a head girl of seven years:.
- That's the reason for obstruction!.
- I have no reason! .



A full bus of tourists for several hours on the road, air conditioning is not working. Suddenly someone is pretty messed up the air. The eyes of all the cuts, the people in a rage shouting, ' Give us this monster, we tear it to pieces '. Here stands a man a solid form:.
- Calm down, I'm a hereditary psychic and easily calculated this reptile. Only I need a long thread on the bus.
The people fussing around got a thread. Psychic:.
- Now pull the thread from the beginning to the end of the cabin and all grasp the thread. All come from?.
- Yes -ah.
- The one who farted too come from?.
- Yes.


There is a memorial service. In the hall runs perspiring people coming to the tomb and something pops into the dead leg.
- What are you doing? .
- The whole city ran. Nowhere no color. So I gave him a chocolate bar.


His wife confessed to her husband of drunk that betrayed him, when he was on a fishing trip. and he disappeared.
A week had not seen him.
Then he was barely able to see the right eye.


Employee dolphin when he wants to praise his son, throws him in the herring!.


The husband returns to his country home from a long business trip and was surprised to notice a sign on the gate, ' Beware! .
- Honey, your mom with us for long?.


- Uncle, I am of your Galya.
- Well, get married.
- That there is, I moved her tractor.


Her husband, gloomy as a cloud, returns home from the hospital, where the wife's mother provedyval.
His wife meets him at the door.
F: - How are you my mother?.
M: - Your mother is healthy as a horse, going out of bolnitsyi will live with us!.
M: - I do not know. Yesterday the doctor told me that she prismerti.
M ( angrily ): - I do not know what he told you, and he told me to prepare for the worst.


- Dad, look what I made a birdhouse!.
- Well done son! .
- But why? .


A guy comes into the restaurant, ordered a first. The waitress brings him soup. He begins to eat and catches a hearing aid! .
- A girl in my soup hearing aids!.
- What, I'm sorry?.


- Wait a minute, and we know each other?.
- I will be with a rose in his hand.
- And I'll be bold.


The girl caught a goldfish, that she and the man's voice says:.
- Forgive me, I will fulfill your every desire!.
A girl taking a fish fins, said:.
- Fly, Fly, petal.


The boy, who studied kiss on tomatoes, habitually ate a classmate.


A man, after an unsuccessful and tense dispute with the mother- daughter says:.
- Docha, give our grandmother lip cream.
- What kind of cream, Dad?.
- That, in a small tube, it has ' Moment ' is written.


Describe yourself!.
- Bones, meat, half a bucket of blood and perky merry eyes.


Deaf and dumb diver Basil lip white shark that he has read n @ zdets.


To avoid confusion, the grandmother of a newborn kitten named Barsik and the other drowned.


Write in a book of complaints and suggestions Railway to a cafe:.
- ' Ate meatballs and fries. constipation was. Thank you '.


Maid on ' Titanic ' 20 minutes ago zadolbalsya cloth to squeeze out.


- Cuckoo, cuckoo, how will I live?.
Ku -.
- Why is it so ma. ?.


A man umiraet. Pozval relatives:.
- Brat. Do you remember you with HOW TO raboty fired? . Sestra! . And you, zhena remember, HOW TO posadit you want? . Forgive me if you can. And now - my last zhelanie - hang me to the chandelier nogami.
And he died. His legs have za - podveshivayut. Suddenly the doorbell.
Otkryvayut, a tam police:.
- By nam here zayavlenie received, that there nad izdevayutsya dead!.


An interesting one-eyed girl who is no longer interested in living in the starling house.


There is a lady in a dress from him a tit out. Fits a policeman and asked.
- A woman is that you have a dress sticks out in a public place?.
She looked up and said,.


Papen with the girl in the otppavilis pestopan. Ppishli, sat down, then it means the waiter approaches them, and the waiter on his neck hangs a spoon from the kapmana bpyuk topchit tesemochka. Ppinyal he left the order and. Che.pez SOME Quaternary ppinosit order, but what the guy was intepesno -.
Why a spoon, and tesemochka.
- Sorry for the curious, but why do you need a spoon?.
- Well you know, when I was carrying panshe order and dropped into the soup myha, I have it from there took out his finger, and it's not hygienic. Here are the bosses and put a spoon. Bang a spoon fly, pulled out and vybposil.
- It is clear. And, sorry, you tesemochka why?.
- Well you know, we're people too and we also want to malenkomy -. Previously, we pukoy fetched, and it is not hygienic, and that's ppidumali tesemochki: for tesemochku depnul - shipinka passtegivaetsya and do their job.
- A well -. HEY what about reversed?.
- And this is a spoon.
