Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Passive income or Kiyosaki in Russian

Briefly retell paradigm Kiyosaki, the majority of people (' poor ' ) takes its accumulation in the passive, spending the last money to buy things which will be used solely for personal purposes ( car, house, mobile phone, a trip to the sea). It is in the eyes of the ' poor ' people and is the pinnacle of development - to earn and spend. ' Rich ' people spend on themselves only surplus. The main objective of the development of a rich man - money to create new money by creating a surplus that can already be spending for personal use.

T. e. summing up the ' poor ' people to solve their problems have to constantly work hard ( to death ). ' Rich ' man all his life creating sources of income, to have a regular source of funds, ensuring a comfortable life.

Continue to discuss this topic can be infinite, but the purpose of this post is not it, but an attempt to describe the potential sources of passive income in relation to Russia. Unfortunately, all that tells in his books, Kiyosaki, almost nevoplotimo in the Russian context. We do not have a cheap mortgage (3.5 %), we have virtually no opportunity to buy property without a mortgage, buying precious metals in the short term, Russia is unprofitable, and in the long term is almost no profit because of metals is realized only at the level of banks . So almost all the advice Kiyosaki does not apply in Russia (I think that in the CIS countries the situation is not better). There remains only one piece of advice - start thinking about how not to save money, and multiply!.

1) Pension.

For years, even decades hammered into us this thought: ' work, but after 60 the state will take care of you '. Actually, the comma after the word ' play' and the break of reality. At retirement, we expect that the state will take care of us, but working, we do not make any effort to make our pension was large enough.

I will reveal the great secret. State support for senior citizens is greatly exaggerated. All of us during the year are making a small amount in the form of pension deductions from wages to the pension fund. Yes, it is controlled by state-owned company, but the essence remains the same - for the entire period, as we work with some of our money on deposit and accumulate on reaching retirement age begins to be paid back. T. e. Our pension - it's not a gift from the state, it is our money that are held and how to BE multiply, and then returned in the form of pensions. So thanks for a low pension, you can only itself. Each year, every citizen receives an extract from the pension fund. I watched her - the accumulated amount is not enough for me even on my 1 month of standard expenses.

In the ' enlightened ' countries, pension fund significantly more. In addition, there are private pension funds and engaged in not only saving money, but their multiplication. In our - pension tax so ridiculous that it does nothing to control the. Correct the situation can be a bit part in the transfer of funded private pension funds, and voluntary contributions to increase. You can easily write a statement at work and to list two to three times more. However, I believe that pension funds - is for the lazy. In addition, I am embarrassed by the idea of ​​retirement savings: you invest in penny, and then to get a penny back - sometimes you want to get all the collected amount on hand. So quietly put retirement on the last place among the sources of passive income. But if you are other ways, too, do not like - try to have your salary was as white - this ensures the maximum for your contributions to the pension fund.

2) Deposit.

I, like Kiyosaki, an extremely negative attitude to mutual funds. Worst investment does not come up with. Or work directly with the shares ( if money is not enough, there are always brokers), or not at all. But mutual funds - is meaningless and also quite risky investment.

But with deposits now everything has become much more interesting. First, the state guarantees safety of deposits up to 700tys. rubles. The second point on the background of the crisis have increased deposit rates - for now it is 15% to 20%. Third, again, the crisis has brought about changes: now we can conclude a deposit agreement, which the dissolution does not deprive you of accrued interest.

Let's say you have 1 million. rub. Open up a 18% deposit - get income 180tys. / year. or 15tys. / month. You say 1 million. - A lot? . rubles (!), and thus guarantee a pension of 15tys. rubles / month. rest of your life. In my opinion, a very good pension.

In addition, when the time comes to move to the cemetery, you are sure that you will not be buried in a plastic bag, and relatives, even shed a tear avaricious, because the inheritance is left after you have a very decent.

Thus, the two deposits (or three?) To 500 thousand. solve your problem on the rest of your life. A great passive income for the lazy. Although this is not the way, from which I am personally delighted. But for the average employee with a salary of 15tys. rub. - The most it.

3) Work for the sake.

Dream of office plankton. Such work is not to work, and wages paid. In fact, such work is complete. She paid not very good, and sometimes even takes time, but very very free freebie is no.

It is difficult to generalize as a passive income, it turns out, so I'll just tell you how it happened, I. It just so happened that I was in my area is good and qualified specialist. So on my first job I went to meet them and keep jobs and wages, but the time I have - on call. Over time, I had the second such work. In sum, they bring around 11-12 thousand. rub. Works - 1-4 times a month to go for an hour or two at the same place and time in a month - more. My work often has the character harder to wipe the screen (I'm exaggerating ), but the salary is pleased with their regularity. Moreover, we must bear in mind that both organizations are still paying taxes for me - pension increases. ).

4) Business.

One of the most common ways to create passive income in Russia is today a business. Big or small - does not. Important: to create, promote, bring to a guaranteed income. Further variations: to find the manager, to put it so that only the monitor. and m. n.

4a) Rent.

The most simple and easy option of earning on the basis of their own business. Acquisition of real estate in Russia for this purpose it uninteresting: odnushki price is 15 -year lease - too big payback. But some are lucky and they are not the only flat due to various intricacies of relationships.

As of today, and I look to the real estate market. The current situation has forced builders to drop prices, and now there is a favorable situation for the purchase / construction of real estate. Another not so good as we would like, but should follow. Anything can slip. In addition, the market should start to grow confiscated property, and there prices are expected to more than enjoyable.

4b ), mini- shop. shop.

Being a shopkeeper nestydno. However, today the young people in this sector a little bit - still, all of the Internet and Bring govnosayty in Sapa. Recently, I showed you blog seller of meat, but is rather an exception to the rule. And in vain.

Small shops are stable enough to return, in terms of moving mobile, low-cost. Yes, there is a sea of ​​hemorrhoids, as in any business. But the scheme is very simple: store- wholesaler - buyer. Once a week pick up the goods on the base, put up for sale the seller.

To put such a business and bring it to profit, takes about 5-7 years. Some - faster, but we will focus on the top bar. In the future, the workflow becomes so routine that you can do it with one hand or even delegated to mercenaries.

In fact, something like running any other intermediary business, but the shop is much more stable: eat and drink, fortunately, people will always. Yes, it can be placed next to the super and the lure of all buyers, but may run over competitors or criminals. But to solve these problems in the fire regime, and you will have the best 5-7 years. Then - this is just routine - you will be hard to impress.

Should we expand? . Or maybe you have never seen the skills to manage. But, IMHO, the network Chipka the city - this is not the format for the creation of which it makes sense to apply management skills.

4c) and the Pyramid of Investments.

If you throw the various fraudulent schemes, is a lot of options, how to be at the start of a large and stable business in the future to receive dividends from it, not taking a direct part.

This MLM company, for example, the same or Oriflame Faberlic. This investment involved in startups. This and various refovodstvo. Getting involved wherever possible, at least in percentage, half a percentage point, a quarter per cent, you warrant to a relatively calm and stable income. Yes, as every investor, you will need to keep your nose to the wind and keep track of their assets ( and increase or reduce them). But it already does not require regular continuous participation. Rather, it is a nice hobby.


Of course, one can read this, start vopet: ' No one can believe in! . Actually, once you've started this screaming is just close this blog, remove it from the reader and easy to work in an office or a factory, hoping that you will still grab the opportunity and perepadet rest of his life, nervously twitching on call at the door, spend the . But I want to believe that something is changing in this country and every day those who are counting on help from above, smaller, and those who make their own lives and not just as a long-term perspective - more. Good luck!.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

MS Office: You may use a stolen version?

I liked the fact. Look. how many magazines you can find these CDs! . Tens of millions! . I wonder if 90% of users take advantage of these drives, put the office, and then it kryaknuta, then the remaining 10% of honest customers if the company discourage their costs?.
The course of an interesting. Maybe even something bold.

25 black humor jokes

For a little girl fits a maniac, and says:.
- Girl, if I cut off your finger, how many left?.
- Three.
- What three? .
- Do you have approached me.


The woman is not working toilet, she is plumbing. Those without a word began to work hard plunger soon use it to pull out of the toilet bowl for a head girl of seven years:.
- That's the reason for obstruction!.
- I have no reason! .



A full bus of tourists for several hours on the road, air conditioning is not working. Suddenly someone is pretty messed up the air. The eyes of all the cuts, the people in a rage shouting, ' Give us this monster, we tear it to pieces '. Here stands a man a solid form:.
- Calm down, I'm a hereditary psychic and easily calculated this reptile. Only I need a long thread on the bus.
The people fussing around got a thread. Psychic:.
- Now pull the thread from the beginning to the end of the cabin and all grasp the thread. All come from?.
- Yes -ah.
- The one who farted too come from?.
- Yes.


There is a memorial service. In the hall runs perspiring people coming to the tomb and something pops into the dead leg.
- What are you doing? .
- The whole city ran. Nowhere no color. So I gave him a chocolate bar.


His wife confessed to her husband of drunk that betrayed him, when he was on a fishing trip. and he disappeared.
A week had not seen him.
Then he was barely able to see the right eye.


Employee dolphin when he wants to praise his son, throws him in the herring!.


The husband returns to his country home from a long business trip and was surprised to notice a sign on the gate, ' Beware! .
- Honey, your mom with us for long?.


- Uncle, I am of your Galya.
- Well, get married.
- That there is, I moved her tractor.


Her husband, gloomy as a cloud, returns home from the hospital, where the wife's mother provedyval.
His wife meets him at the door.
F: - How are you my mother?.
M: - Your mother is healthy as a horse, going out of bolnitsyi will live with us!.
M: - I do not know. Yesterday the doctor told me that she prismerti.
M ( angrily ): - I do not know what he told you, and he told me to prepare for the worst.


- Dad, look what I made a birdhouse!.
- Well done son! .
- But why? .


A guy comes into the restaurant, ordered a first. The waitress brings him soup. He begins to eat and catches a hearing aid! .
- A girl in my soup hearing aids!.
- What, I'm sorry?.


- Wait a minute, and we know each other?.
- I will be with a rose in his hand.
- And I'll be bold.


The girl caught a goldfish, that she and the man's voice says:.
- Forgive me, I will fulfill your every desire!.
A girl taking a fish fins, said:.
- Fly, Fly, petal.


The boy, who studied kiss on tomatoes, habitually ate a classmate.


A man, after an unsuccessful and tense dispute with the mother- daughter says:.
- Docha, give our grandmother lip cream.
- What kind of cream, Dad?.
- That, in a small tube, it has ' Moment ' is written.


Describe yourself!.
- Bones, meat, half a bucket of blood and perky merry eyes.


Deaf and dumb diver Basil lip white shark that he has read n @ zdets.


To avoid confusion, the grandmother of a newborn kitten named Barsik and the other drowned.


Write in a book of complaints and suggestions Railway to a cafe:.
- ' Ate meatballs and fries. constipation was. Thank you '.


Maid on ' Titanic ' 20 minutes ago zadolbalsya cloth to squeeze out.


- Cuckoo, cuckoo, how will I live?.
Ku -.
- Why is it so ma. ?.


A man umiraet. Pozval relatives:.
- Brat. Do you remember you with HOW TO raboty fired? . Sestra! . And you, zhena remember, HOW TO posadit you want? . Forgive me if you can. And now - my last zhelanie - hang me to the chandelier nogami.
And he died. His legs have za - podveshivayut. Suddenly the doorbell.
Otkryvayut, a tam police:.
- By nam here zayavlenie received, that there nad izdevayutsya dead!.


An interesting one-eyed girl who is no longer interested in living in the starling house.


There is a lady in a dress from him a tit out. Fits a policeman and asked.
- A woman is that you have a dress sticks out in a public place?.
She looked up and said,.


Papen with the girl in the otppavilis pestopan. Ppishli, sat down, then it means the waiter approaches them, and the waiter on his neck hangs a spoon from the kapmana bpyuk topchit tesemochka. Ppinyal he left the order and. Che.pez SOME Quaternary ppinosit order, but what the guy was intepesno -.
Why a spoon, and tesemochka.
- Sorry for the curious, but why do you need a spoon?.
- Well you know, when I was carrying panshe order and dropped into the soup myha, I have it from there took out his finger, and it's not hygienic. Here are the bosses and put a spoon. Bang a spoon fly, pulled out and vybposil.
- It is clear. And, sorry, you tesemochka why?.
- Well you know, we're people too and we also want to malenkomy -. Previously, we pukoy fetched, and it is not hygienic, and that's ppidumali tesemochki: for tesemochku depnul - shipinka passtegivaetsya and do their job.
- A well -. HEY what about reversed?.
- And this is a spoon.


Monday, May 21, 2012

NASA satellites are ready to enter the lunar orbit in the New Year

Two of the American Space Agency probe to study the Moon's gravity GRAIL-A and GRAIL-B ready to go to orbit earth satellite. The apparatus included a GRAIL-A engines and went into orbit on December 30, and GRAIL-B will make the necessary maneuver in the night from December 31 to January 1. Both lunar probe programmed to conduct their research independently, without constant monitoring of specialists from the Earth. Devices that are running into orbit on September 10, will be within 82 days to revolve around the Moon at an altitude of 55 kilometers above the surface of the satellite. They will simultaneously transmit telemetry data to Earth. By changing the distance between the satellites, scientists will be able to make the most accurate to date map of the gravitational field of the moon. This information, in turn, will help professionals clarify the origin of terrestrial and satellite components of this process. In addition, the astronomers calculate that the data collected by satellites, will be useful to study the asymmetry of the lunar landscape: the far side of the satellite is much more mountainous than the one that faces the Earth.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Unusual fun pajamas

By being smart you can make clothes to sleep in gray dress in bright and cool outfit.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

History MOLESKINE...

The famous notebook. Keeper of creativity and innermost thoughts under the elegant cover. The legendary and iconic thing materialize inspiration. Style and functionality, combined together, for the sake of gaining popularity among intellectuals. All these epithets rightly devoted moleskin - a notebook with a history of two hundred years.

But what is a cult thing? .

According to the explanatory dictionary Ozhegova cult - it is something to worship, veneration. In the case of Moleskine, the world famous notebooks is caused not only by their qualities, but because of its rich history, multiplied by a brilliant marketing move.

But first things first.

Notepad has become a cult, because for centuries it was used not only to obscure the townsfolk, but also great artists.

The founder of the Cubism of Pablo Picasso and the Nobel Prize for Literature, Ernest Hemingway. Dutch Post-Impressionist genius of Vincent van Gogh and the avant-garde poet Guillaume Apollinaire. Bruce Chatwin - English novelist and traveler, and Henri Matisse - the leader of the Fauvist movement of the picturesque one of the leading French artists of the twentieth century. The philosopher Jean -Paul Sartre and the American writer Gertrude Stein. The founder of surrealism - a writer and poet Andre Breton.

What are small booklets, which appeared in the pages of sketches and drafts, notes and recordings, some of which are destined to become greater than the drafts, embodied in the great artistic and literary works?.

The story of the legendary notebook starts with the French factories. In addition to its core business of books produced binders notebooks, delivering them to the office supply store in Paris. Naturally, there was no mass production, convenient notebooks have been a sort of exclusive, and therefore mainly the owners of ...

Hardcover pads were made of moleskin (a literal translation from English - ...

Durable cover is securely protected page of the paper of excellent quality.

But nothing 've chno, and in 1986 the story of the original notebooks used by celebrities, ended. The French Tour, the birthplace of Honore de Balzac, was closed last family-owned company that produced notebooks.

Here it is necessary to elaborate on Bruce Chatwin, who helped popularize notebooks not only the fact that they did in the recording. That he is quoted: ... In Chatwin Travel inspiration and literary themes, because it is difficult to overestimate the role of the notebook, which appeared in the pages of travel notes writer.

Before every ride an Englishman bought ... Before you write to them, Chatwin numbered pages, and wrote his name and at least two different addresses with the request and a promise to return the fee, if they lost notebook.

And here, in front of one of his travels was an English writer heard from the seller in the shop the bitter phrase 'Le vrai moleskine n'est plus': moleskine no longer manufactured. It would seem a sad end to a beautiful fairy tale.

But ten years later, in 1997, a small Milanese publisher «Modo. It is said that the design of modern notebooks was created from the descriptions of Bruce Chatwin.

If the hallmark of good quality is not good, it is unlikely that it will buy just because they used the famous people of the twentieth century. And thrifty Italian manufacturers have relied not only on the history of the notebooks, but also on details of the amenities that distinguish the ... Even the most conventional notebooks under the brand «Moleskine» equipped with hard cover, inner pocket and an elastic band, which excludes the possibility of accidental disclosure. Paper - dense and waterproof, the obligatory companion of all notebooks - bookmark.

In autumn 2006, the founders of the «Modo.

On January 1, 2007 «Moleskine» has become not only a brand, but also the name of a company that invents, produces and sells notebooks. The head office of a small company, limited liability company, located in Milan. Staff - a total of 50 employees, as well as a wide network of partners and consultants.

The current range of «Moleskine» wide, but the first signs of success was a pocket notebook 9 to 14 centimeters, the most faithful to the original moleskine. Its characteristic features are: hardcover, durable fabric cover in black. Rounded corners, inside pocket, bookmark, paper of fine quality and shade of yellow color. Elastic gum, which keeps tight pages, keeping a notebook from damage.

Also under the brand «Moleskine» produced more than twenty types of pads and notebooks, which affects a variety of. As well, and the number is not similar to each other people from different professions and opposite tastes, choosing a notebook is ... A variety of formats, hard or soft covers, paper, or cell line. Diaries and notebooks, planners and calendars. Classic notebooks, albums, watercolor and drawing, address and telephone books. Japanese notebooks with pages of zigzags. The list goes on.

The high price for the notebook explains why today the legendary notebook accompanies people who can be classified as intellectuals: artists, writers, journalists, designers, musicians and actors who start or have already taken place, but, nevertheless, wealthy enough to pay for .

Notebooks from a series of ... Musicians will certainly choose the «Music Notebook» pages which are the stave. Moleskine whose pages raskadrovany, that is, divided into segments that will be a good friend and assistant to the writers or graphic designers.

You can draw on the pages of any notebook, but the artists will no doubt be more pleasant to do on special watercolor paper moleskin intended for miniature paintings «Moleskine Watercolour Notebook». There are also galleries for drawing sizes A3 and A4.

Notebooks designed specifically for travelers «City notebook», will help you not get lost in the capitals of the world and recognized tourism centers. Amsterdam, Barcelona, Hong Kong, London, Moscow, Philadelphia, Tokyo, Rome, Paris - this is only a small part of the city in which you may be accompanied by a moleskine with maps and background information, even the subway. The collection presents the major European, American and Asian cities. Also in this series notebooks are equipped with special rubber stamp, which can be selected to mark the route on the map.

Speaking of visuals, rather than functional differences between notebooks, there is need to mention a series of Moleskine «The Moleskine Museum», which are associated with various artists. Elegance and style like Van Gogh imbued with moleskin. While maintaining all the advantages of the classic notebook, notebooks «Van Gogh» characterized by covers made ​​of artificial silk, made ​​in the chromatic colors close to the artist, subdued or bright. Lovers of rock will be interesting to a series of four notebooks «The Woodstock Limited Edition» with the symbols of the hippie, devoted to the anniversary of the legendary rock festival.

Ideal for the first and even second glance at the notebooks some owners are trying to improve. For example, make a symbolic engraving on the cover. For convenience, some come up with designs to make with the tools to carry Moleskine writing pen or pencil. The main external changes are made, apparently to emphasize not only internal but also external personality notebook. Practical identity Moleskine is to sign his notebook, indicating their initials and the coordinates on which you can return the moleskin.

On the cult status and the fact that said Moleskine notebooks in the emergence of significant films of world cinema. Notepad, from appearing in the adventures of Indiana Jones, they enjoyed the talented Mr. Ripley and Amelie dreamy. And against a distant planet Ka- PAX, and Bishop Aringorosa coined by Dan Brown. Moleskine can be seen in ...

On the Internet you can find a huge number of websites, forums, communities, dedicated to the Moleskine and work in them. Owners of notebooks share with each other their drawings, poems and notes, a piece of his soul, which kept the legend page.

Now back to that claimed at the beginning of the brilliant marketing move. ... Agree that the inscription accompanying the notebook in the office supply store will increase its attractiveness in times. Another thing is to believe this line or not. At first glance, the reason to doubt the veracity of the manufacturer is not necessary, and the world they believed.

On the other hand, there is no evidence that Hemingway, for example, wrote this in the prototype of the modern moleskin, and not in an ordinary notebook. Marketers «Modo. However, some of the great artists can say that they definitely enjoyed moleskine. This is a shade of mystery stories notebooks.

Seven notebooks belonging to Vincent Van Gogh, dating from a period from 1881 to 1890, can be seen in the exhibition the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. Moleskine André Breton in the library named Paul Eluard, France.

Critics can scream as much as in all corners of the functions Moleskine can successfully perform the usual notebooks, standing at times less. But they forget that sometimes form can be as important as the content. And in case Moleskine elegance and style, practicality and involvement in the legend at all can influence the content, can cause bouts of inspiration. While buying a moleskin will not lead you minutely into the ranks of artists and writers, the acquisition of the legendary notebook definitely will make you feel any involvement in the creative elite, to touch the legend.

Source: http://www. moleskines. ru / page / moleskine.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Google revealed a new version of Android and the new ' google phone '

Data Usage section in the settings menu.

company. Google. at the launch in Hong Kong has introduced a new version of the Android operating system with a serial number 4. 0. Its main feature was the ability to work on different types of devices - smartphones and tablets. The first device that will use Android 4. 0, will be a smartphone Galaxy Nexus, announced at the same event. His Google- manufactured by Samsung.

operating system.
The code name for Android 4. 0 - Ice Cream Sandwich - selected in accordance with the traditions of Google: they, like the previous code names, stands for dessert ( ice cream cake, sandwiched between two biscuits ) and preserves the continuity of the alphabet (Gingerbread - Honeycomb - Ice Cream Sandwich).

For the first time on the Ice Cream Sandwich was told in early May at a conference I / O. On it was mentioned in passing, as the highlight of the program was three Android. 1, but the most important detail of Google bosses revealed: Operating System will be universal, ie can be used on two different types of devices - smartphones and tablets. A similar strategy adheres to Google 's main rival in the mobile market - the company Apple, which develops the operating system iOS.

I can not say that the interface Ice Cream Sandwich is radically different from previous versions, but nevertheless the difference is noticeable to the naked eye. First, the new OS Honeycomb has inherited the ability to dispense with the hardware buttons. They were replaced by soft buttons. Three of them - ' Back ', ' Home ' and ' Running Applications ', and the Galaxy Nexus screenshots are located on the strip at the bottom of the screen.

Secondly, the presentation of the operating system Google announced a desire to be ' closer to the people ' and save the image of Android OSes for ' nerd '. ( Around the same time with the presentation of Ice Cream Sandwich in San Francisco held an annual Web 2. 0 Summit. It Microsoft chairman Steve Ballmer (Steve Ballmer) boasted that the Windows Phone can be used by anyone, and Android - only computer scientists ). In this regard, the Android 4. 0 have been several changes designed to make the OS easier and more intuitive.

Conventionally, these changes can be divided into two categories. First - it is solely decorative innovations, such as a new system font called Roboto or display avatars in front of the new SMS notifications. The second - the functional changes. So, the screenshots in the Ice Cream Sandwich can be done by holding the power button and volume down. In the setup menu appears Data Usage, which will monitor how much traffic ' eat ' different applications (the tendency to Android smartphones secretly from master to go to the internet and download the dozen or so megabytes of data - one of the major scourges of the platform).

Many innovations in the Ice Cream Sandwich were obviously borrowed from competing platforms. Yes, no doubt, the decision to make access to the camera button on the startup screen and has a reasonable right to exist in any mobile OS. But then, say, from the screen with a list of running applications in the Ice Cream Sandwich and breathes Windows Phone 7 as an opportunity to create a folder ' nataskivaya ' one application icon to another, has always been considered an attribute of iOS.

The changes undergone and the camera application. First, the Android device will now be able to glue a few shots in a panorama. Second, the camera settings, several ' hipsterskih ' filters that allow to take pictures in the spirit of Instagram. Finally ( for this application the camera is not the case, but nevertheless ), the Ice Cream Sandwich typed feature Face Unlock - it allows the device to recognize its owner 's face. Rather than set a password for unlocking phones, is now sufficient to bring the front of the camera phones to a loved one.

With Face Unlock, by the way, the presentation left a little embarrassing - and let the machine oboznalsya into the wrong person, so be careful.

As usual, Google does not name the list of devices on which you can install Android 4. 0. We only know that the update will be released for the Nexus S devices and Motorola RAZR ( no, not for the cult clamshell comes from the middle of the zero, and for a new smart phone, candy bar ). Other manufacturers such as HTC, while only thinking of the fact whether they want to see the Ice Cream Sandwich on their devices.

So far the only device that works on Android 4. 0 - is presented in conjunction with the new OSes Galaxy Nexus.

In the early days of Android ' Google Phone ' call everything on the OS smartphones. Then it became clear that such devices are too many, and the title of ' google phone ' passed to the device from the line of Nexus, which are created with the direct participation Google.

New Nexus was the third ' guglofonov '. The first two - Nexus One and Nexus S - produced for Google HTC and Samsung. Choosing a manufacturer for a new machine, Google stopped again on the Samsung ( probably because of all the manufacturers to Android devices have achieved the greatest success of this company - it now holds the title of the second largest smartphone manufacturer after Apple ). Samsung custom Google complied - and along with his name dragged into its proprietary word Galaxy. So, the new ' google phone ' called Galaxy Nexus.

Galaxy Nexus paradox is that, on the one hand, it meets all the current trends smartfonostroeniya, on the other hand, is not very typical for Samsung devices. The latter fact, however, you can easily find an explanation - bitter experience of patent wrangling with Apple, the South Korean company said that specifically tried to make the device so that it was impossible for him to find fault.

Galaxy Nexus is equipped with an impressive display with a diagonal of 4.65 inches. There are no hardware buttons on the front panel there are no. The smartphone uses a dual-core processor with a frequency of 1.2 GHz and has a gigabyte of RAM and 16 or 32 gigabytes of internal. The thickness of the shell is slightly less than 9 mm, weight - 135 grams.

Galaxy Nexus.

Screen Resolution Galaxy Nexus - 1280 by 720 pixels. It is made of Super AMOLED technology. If you look at the device profile, it is clear that the screen is slightly curved.

In the smartphone two built-in camera. First, pyatimegapikselnaya, located on the rear panel and can shoot video at 1080p. Second, on the front panel has a resolution of 1.3 megapixels.

Galaxy Nexus is equipped with NFC chip. First, it allows him to communicate with other similar smartphones, which are nearby. To do this, Ice Cream Sandwich provides a service called Android Beam. Second, the chip will use the NFC phone to pay for purchases - such an opportunity has recently launched service from Google Google Wallet.

The price of the unit is not disclosed, but it is known that deliveries will begin in November. It was reported that the Galaxy Nexus will be available in Asia, North America and Europe. In Samsung Electronics' Tape. py ' assurances that Russia would like to sell the unit.

Svetlana Chistyakova.