Saturday, May 5, 2012

History MOLESKINE...

The famous notebook. Keeper of creativity and innermost thoughts under the elegant cover. The legendary and iconic thing materialize inspiration. Style and functionality, combined together, for the sake of gaining popularity among intellectuals. All these epithets rightly devoted moleskin - a notebook with a history of two hundred years.

But what is a cult thing? .

According to the explanatory dictionary Ozhegova cult - it is something to worship, veneration. In the case of Moleskine, the world famous notebooks is caused not only by their qualities, but because of its rich history, multiplied by a brilliant marketing move.

But first things first.

Notepad has become a cult, because for centuries it was used not only to obscure the townsfolk, but also great artists.

The founder of the Cubism of Pablo Picasso and the Nobel Prize for Literature, Ernest Hemingway. Dutch Post-Impressionist genius of Vincent van Gogh and the avant-garde poet Guillaume Apollinaire. Bruce Chatwin - English novelist and traveler, and Henri Matisse - the leader of the Fauvist movement of the picturesque one of the leading French artists of the twentieth century. The philosopher Jean -Paul Sartre and the American writer Gertrude Stein. The founder of surrealism - a writer and poet Andre Breton.

What are small booklets, which appeared in the pages of sketches and drafts, notes and recordings, some of which are destined to become greater than the drafts, embodied in the great artistic and literary works?.

The story of the legendary notebook starts with the French factories. In addition to its core business of books produced binders notebooks, delivering them to the office supply store in Paris. Naturally, there was no mass production, convenient notebooks have been a sort of exclusive, and therefore mainly the owners of ...

Hardcover pads were made of moleskin (a literal translation from English - ...

Durable cover is securely protected page of the paper of excellent quality.

But nothing 've chno, and in 1986 the story of the original notebooks used by celebrities, ended. The French Tour, the birthplace of Honore de Balzac, was closed last family-owned company that produced notebooks.

Here it is necessary to elaborate on Bruce Chatwin, who helped popularize notebooks not only the fact that they did in the recording. That he is quoted: ... In Chatwin Travel inspiration and literary themes, because it is difficult to overestimate the role of the notebook, which appeared in the pages of travel notes writer.

Before every ride an Englishman bought ... Before you write to them, Chatwin numbered pages, and wrote his name and at least two different addresses with the request and a promise to return the fee, if they lost notebook.

And here, in front of one of his travels was an English writer heard from the seller in the shop the bitter phrase 'Le vrai moleskine n'est plus': moleskine no longer manufactured. It would seem a sad end to a beautiful fairy tale.

But ten years later, in 1997, a small Milanese publisher «Modo. It is said that the design of modern notebooks was created from the descriptions of Bruce Chatwin.

If the hallmark of good quality is not good, it is unlikely that it will buy just because they used the famous people of the twentieth century. And thrifty Italian manufacturers have relied not only on the history of the notebooks, but also on details of the amenities that distinguish the ... Even the most conventional notebooks under the brand «Moleskine» equipped with hard cover, inner pocket and an elastic band, which excludes the possibility of accidental disclosure. Paper - dense and waterproof, the obligatory companion of all notebooks - bookmark.

In autumn 2006, the founders of the «Modo.

On January 1, 2007 «Moleskine» has become not only a brand, but also the name of a company that invents, produces and sells notebooks. The head office of a small company, limited liability company, located in Milan. Staff - a total of 50 employees, as well as a wide network of partners and consultants.

The current range of «Moleskine» wide, but the first signs of success was a pocket notebook 9 to 14 centimeters, the most faithful to the original moleskine. Its characteristic features are: hardcover, durable fabric cover in black. Rounded corners, inside pocket, bookmark, paper of fine quality and shade of yellow color. Elastic gum, which keeps tight pages, keeping a notebook from damage.

Also under the brand «Moleskine» produced more than twenty types of pads and notebooks, which affects a variety of. As well, and the number is not similar to each other people from different professions and opposite tastes, choosing a notebook is ... A variety of formats, hard or soft covers, paper, or cell line. Diaries and notebooks, planners and calendars. Classic notebooks, albums, watercolor and drawing, address and telephone books. Japanese notebooks with pages of zigzags. The list goes on.

The high price for the notebook explains why today the legendary notebook accompanies people who can be classified as intellectuals: artists, writers, journalists, designers, musicians and actors who start or have already taken place, but, nevertheless, wealthy enough to pay for .

Notebooks from a series of ... Musicians will certainly choose the «Music Notebook» pages which are the stave. Moleskine whose pages raskadrovany, that is, divided into segments that will be a good friend and assistant to the writers or graphic designers.

You can draw on the pages of any notebook, but the artists will no doubt be more pleasant to do on special watercolor paper moleskin intended for miniature paintings «Moleskine Watercolour Notebook». There are also galleries for drawing sizes A3 and A4.

Notebooks designed specifically for travelers «City notebook», will help you not get lost in the capitals of the world and recognized tourism centers. Amsterdam, Barcelona, Hong Kong, London, Moscow, Philadelphia, Tokyo, Rome, Paris - this is only a small part of the city in which you may be accompanied by a moleskine with maps and background information, even the subway. The collection presents the major European, American and Asian cities. Also in this series notebooks are equipped with special rubber stamp, which can be selected to mark the route on the map.

Speaking of visuals, rather than functional differences between notebooks, there is need to mention a series of Moleskine «The Moleskine Museum», which are associated with various artists. Elegance and style like Van Gogh imbued with moleskin. While maintaining all the advantages of the classic notebook, notebooks «Van Gogh» characterized by covers made ​​of artificial silk, made ​​in the chromatic colors close to the artist, subdued or bright. Lovers of rock will be interesting to a series of four notebooks «The Woodstock Limited Edition» with the symbols of the hippie, devoted to the anniversary of the legendary rock festival.

Ideal for the first and even second glance at the notebooks some owners are trying to improve. For example, make a symbolic engraving on the cover. For convenience, some come up with designs to make with the tools to carry Moleskine writing pen or pencil. The main external changes are made, apparently to emphasize not only internal but also external personality notebook. Practical identity Moleskine is to sign his notebook, indicating their initials and the coordinates on which you can return the moleskin.

On the cult status and the fact that said Moleskine notebooks in the emergence of significant films of world cinema. Notepad, from appearing in the adventures of Indiana Jones, they enjoyed the talented Mr. Ripley and Amelie dreamy. And against a distant planet Ka- PAX, and Bishop Aringorosa coined by Dan Brown. Moleskine can be seen in ...

On the Internet you can find a huge number of websites, forums, communities, dedicated to the Moleskine and work in them. Owners of notebooks share with each other their drawings, poems and notes, a piece of his soul, which kept the legend page.

Now back to that claimed at the beginning of the brilliant marketing move. ... Agree that the inscription accompanying the notebook in the office supply store will increase its attractiveness in times. Another thing is to believe this line or not. At first glance, the reason to doubt the veracity of the manufacturer is not necessary, and the world they believed.

On the other hand, there is no evidence that Hemingway, for example, wrote this in the prototype of the modern moleskin, and not in an ordinary notebook. Marketers «Modo. However, some of the great artists can say that they definitely enjoyed moleskine. This is a shade of mystery stories notebooks.

Seven notebooks belonging to Vincent Van Gogh, dating from a period from 1881 to 1890, can be seen in the exhibition the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. Moleskine André Breton in the library named Paul Eluard, France.

Critics can scream as much as in all corners of the functions Moleskine can successfully perform the usual notebooks, standing at times less. But they forget that sometimes form can be as important as the content. And in case Moleskine elegance and style, practicality and involvement in the legend at all can influence the content, can cause bouts of inspiration. While buying a moleskin will not lead you minutely into the ranks of artists and writers, the acquisition of the legendary notebook definitely will make you feel any involvement in the creative elite, to touch the legend.

Source: http://www. moleskines. ru / page / moleskine.

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