Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Library of Russia will be connected to the free e- book depository

In 2012, Russian libraries, including urban and rural, will be provided by connecting to the National library resource that aims to provide free access to any readers of the book in electronic form. It is reported by ' Prime- Tass ' with reference to the statement by Director General of the Russian State Library of Alexander the Vistula.

At present, based on the NBI created a single electronic catalog, which is formed from the collections of the Russian State Library, the National Library and the Library of Boris Yeltsin. According to a member of the National Library Board of Trustees of the resource Andrei Loginov, the main task of the new initiative is to provide readers with the necessary literature ' for everyone '. In the future we plan to create a special software that will collect information on what books are read by Russians.

For the project from the budget allocated 1 billion rubles. To connect regional libraries will be allocated funds from local budgets, while, according to Andrey Loginov, the required amount will not be too large.

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