Thursday, March 22, 2012

Twitter and traffic from twitter

misconception first. Twitter should be used with twitter. com. Used with the original site is extremely inconvenient. In your browser - this is an extra tab in the device - this is often a full-time browser. So to work with twitter you need to install the browser Pribluda (I use a plugin for FF Yoono), a communicator - a separate program. This will free up your hands to work with familiar tools in a network.

misconception second. Twitter - it's the same blog, but the messages no longer than 140 characters. This is because on the one hand, on the other - this is no value in. In a typical blog no one allowed to write messages of up to 140 characters. Moreover, no one bothers to answer them in the comments. But the value of Twitter does not publish anything. I am generally in doubt whether you can provide something of value in this format. Okay - link. But zapulit intelligible thought is difficult to. Read also this nonsense out of scraps of thoughts is nearly impossible.

What is needed is Twitter?. In order for which he created his creator: to communicate. Some time ago I wrote that Twitter is very similar to a chat, only a very slow. This is true, but it is not just a chat, a chat, where you - the main character in the center of their little universe. Imagine a chat room, where everyone can hear you, but what you answer - you will only see. Brad? . On this and keeps the whole twitter. Let us consider in detail the work twitter.

You write in Twitter ( tweets are doing ). They can read, first, all who have found your twitter account on the network. And they can read from his belt, those who Follow you. Under follovingom understood subscription to tape messages specific account. Followers see your messages as their own - in a single tape. Conditionally call it ether. And the followers can respond to your tweets - do replai.

Replai actually make twitter twitter, and is not a kind of chat or blog. Replay - a response to a tweet containing the name begins or twitter account, which starts from dog @. Usually it looks like this: I see an interesting tweet me in the film, click reply, write a response.

Replai get into your tape along with your tweets and the tweets of those you do Follow ( who signed in ). Total, we find that the tape may be: your tweets, the tweets of those you are interested, replai from those who subscribed to you. And in the film can be retweets - send those messages that are of interest to those to whom you subscribe. But we will return later retweets.

With the help of dialogue tied replaev. I must say that the part it looks strange - signed on you can only see your messages and posts do not see the person who wrote to you. On the other hand, it often serves as a pretext in order to subscribe to someone with whom you communicate. T. e. your conversation publichen. But that does not change the essence of communication. You are sharing information with those you are interested in. Stupid replay or uninteresting, you can easily ignore.

Speaking of replayah, it is necessary to stop on kopleksnom impact on the information environment. On the one hand, you send a tweet, on the other as soon as they receive feedback. And once you give the answer. It turns out that Twitter is the fastest way to communicate with a large group of people. When compared with a blog - a blog can give a large audience, but it is much more inert - a post can dissolve within a few days your subscribers. As Twitter - a few minutes, at least - hours. When compared with the forum, that there is no system of subscription, and the reaction will be rapid, but limited - a smaller audience. Like it or not, Twitter for today is the fastest way to get a broader response to their actions on the network.

Let us remember all the high-profile TV and media in tweets. Somehow they got there because some of the journalists was signed to these twitter accounts and listening to broadcast.

Nevertheless, the whole point is not to just listen, but replait - reply. T. e. plus a second twitter - it is a fast feedback. Comments on blogs are going for a long time. Posting on the contact list in ICQ - time-consuming and inconvenient (although the response is, of course, faster ). The answers in the forum may soon come, but also has its disadvantages associated with at least the fact that your topic in an active forum can quickly get out of sight more visitors. Twitter is the same - only you, it can not fall. Anyone who actually listens to broadcast, which includes your message - do not miss your request.

I guess that's why the format of Twitter - short messages. Who uses gmaylom smartphones, knows that first come to the titles and reviewing them, you can choose a message that should be pumped. That is something that offers twitter. The ether is filled with a large number of messages, most of which you ignore, and the smaller - or retweet replaite. Full-fledged offices in the reader you would ohreneli read at a pace.

A few words about retweets. Retweet - send in your tape message on who you listen to ( Follow ). You can see an interesting or a good tweet, click the button, and it has already seen your followers. So a good tweet can go deep into the network, keeping dozens of retweets on different levels. However, the ring retweet ( retweet me to my back ) I have not met.

So, Twitter - it is a compact media channel that you distribute among the dozens, and perhaps thousands of people. How does it work?.

You post a tweet that causes a reaction in followers. Some of these will go to retweet tweets, some will replai part - the direct response and follow a link or some kind of active action. T. e. in any case, you get a reaction, which can be used to advantage. Let's talk about each case and combo options.

retweet. The most common spontaneous retweet tweets are just funny. Direct benefit a bit, but indirect - through such retweets you attract the attention of followers of your followers and increase their audience on Twitter.

Commercial retweets usually contain a link and a request retvitnut: 'RT I made a new site http://urlsite. ru '. Most will ignore such requests, but some otretvitit, not least because they hope to return retweet if a similar request on its part. So massfollovery and popular tvitteryane often retweets each other.

Replai - my favorite kind of reaction. Replai show activity in a tweet. When writing a blog laziness, then in a couple of lines chirkanut twitter, anyone can. Therefore, the replaistee tweet, the more alive your audience. The more alive your audience, the more it responds to your requests. For example, you need an answer to the question. Or go to website. Audience with the experience accumulated replay - reacting almost instantaneously gives the answer. And what's more, you get several answers from different people. Once I solved the riddle, the answer to that is not issued or Google or Yandex. I had to guess the mind of the Chinese custom-built product that is found only in offline.

Go to the link. Many people mistakenly believe that simply posting a tweet links to their sites blogoposty or give them the transitions. Willing, but not as much as we would like. I guess that most of the stars watching twitter in anticipation of a miracle, and responds to any of the links in the tweets. But you are not a star. And simply posting will not solve the problem with transitions. First, relive the audience, expand it, make contact and then expect that your links will play with different colors.

Summing up. Twitter - first of all communication environment. Her feature in the self-centered system where all messages revolve around your account. You do not need to fear that the tweets run off or remove. And at the same time, you can fill dozens of messages, without fear, as in the blog that your readers will disconnect you for flooding.

And here is the fact that Twitter - communication environment, gives you the ability to attract traffic from it on your site. So take it on faith that twitter - this is one place where people live and where they can be found at sites. Or just to find out where the nearest ice cream stand, without getting into Google.

To finish the post, here is the following fact: as long as I just sent a tweet announcements of their positions, it received about 300 hits a month. Now I'm getting out of Twitter three times more traffic, although the writing has become less. In addition, I provide additional traffic from Twitter concerned his other projects, not counting retweets messages friends.

A lot of it is not enough? . Gave up, even with Google's search traffic to and from the club. This means that game were worth the candle. A job? . I follow with ether, vkidyvayu news ( in addition to announcements of articles in the blog ), respond to replai, occasionally doing retweets. The time it does not take away, as is done in between times - pushed the plug-in, looked closed.

So twitter tamed. The next step - Facebook.

A few tips on working with twitter.

How to start:.
1) Register an account. twitter. com.
2) Put on your browser plug-in. Yoono.
3) Activate the plugin Account.
4) Subscribe. twitter. com / bablorub. and replait / retweet interesting posts.

How to recruit followers:.
1) Fallaway those interested in you. Actively replait their posts. Sooner or later you will notice, and will facilitate communication with you, Follow you.
2) Not all tweets shit. I personally flooding unsubscribe quickly - easier to communicate with them through the replay.
3) Tweety that might be interesting to others, but it differs from what other tweets. Be original and / or topical. It's easier than writing blog posts in the kilometer.
4) Use the program to massfolovinga. When you have many, many people otfollovte any shit. Repeat this procedure until you have enough of those and you replait retweet. Well, just look at the numbers of tests will be.
5) Sense from zero followers, if they do not replayat and retweets.

How to communicate:.
1) Replayte interesting posts.
2) If you write your messages to others and referring to me, to write, not Bablorub and @ bablorub. This tweet I see in his belt, and even, perhaps, you otreplayu.
3) Write your positions on important events or objects using the hash mark:. Do not have a Twitter exchange, but such positions will be combined into one mass by twitter and will be easier to look for those who want to get information about Exchange. By the way, Twitter is still shitty cope with the Russian language. Write key Latin.

How to Make Money on Twitter:.
1) Work with the exchanges for a penny. Citations will not give.
2) Spit on a stock exchange and type ' selling advertising on your blog http://moyblog. ru for 30 bucks on the left, RT pliz! '. Instant reaction to Twitter will show you what it takes to blog. And you can still sell the services, change the links, look for a partner to drive high prices and a chain of restaurants.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

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