Thursday, April 5, 2012


They were fat years, when the people of Holy Russia, and all other Moslems reaped the fruits of prosperity, collected in the field of strict piety. And no one thought that the West has already dark clouds gathered disasters.
The younger brother of Stalin - Hitler Khan, who was at the command of his elder brother Sultan Europe, conquered the pagan tribes of the Franks, Spaniards and Poles, bringing them to light the true faith to the point of the sword. First, narrow-minded and ignorant savages resisted - but then they liked. But the tribes of Angles and Saxons, zakorenevshie of impiety, persisted in wickedness: they dug a big - very big ditch, which was called the English Channel. It is said that he was so wide and deep that the Muslim heavy cavalry he could not swim. So they were walking in the darkness of ignorance. Even worse, their king Chamberlain, nicknamed the Lion Heart got reinforcements from across the ocean from the friendly tribes, the Iroquois. Red-skinned savage barbarians led by the president - Chingachgook, nicknamed Big Snake - in fast canoes ravaged the coast from Brest to Amsterdam, and faithful to them there was no escape.
After being defeated in a war with England, the Saxons and the Mohicans, Hitler fell into a state of deep depression: it was not in the spirit of resistance, characteristic of the older brother, who was sitting in Moscow, and the relaxed ease of thought and feeling, like a younger brother in Rome. A crestfallen man - extraction of Satan. Hitler Khan began to bend the ears of a false and ungodly doctrine of national- humanist. I must say that of all Europe, and the emir had exhibited criminal complacency, which the court sycophants solemnly called tolerance to the various sects of marginal properties. De facto condoned wandered across the continent and the troubled people in the bazaars of the preachers of the Order of Dervishes late Imam Nietzsche. They are worthless sumnyashesya called themselves defenders of human and perfectly holy \\ CC \... Everyone saw that the sanctity of the SS was a little bit, but were afraid to say - they can sue God himself on charges of insulting the honor, dignity and business reputation \\ CHDDR \... The only thing that could enter into the framework of these sanctimonious propriety - a bullet in his head, but the national teams of humanists terrified the whole area of his unbridled cruelty.
So: SS were taught the simple villagers, there is no God - it's all fiction cunning mullahs who sell opium for working people. To the shame of all the faithful have to say, the clergy indulged in that distant time and money-grubbing lazy, undermining the authority of religion in the eyes of the people. Denunciation of the unworthy priests - it pleasing to God, but humanists used this as a primer: there was more promotion of permissiveness and indecency. SS stated (and persecuted those who disagreed ) that the woman should have the same rights as men. No, what! . Thus, they started with blasphemy and vulgar debauchery finished universal scale.
European nations, frustrated by Hitler's military setbacks, went to the wake of the national humanists, like a flock of sheep to the slaughter. Soon, very soon, unidentified thugs began killing prominent Muslim journalists, writers, filmmakers and politicians. Imam's main mosque Berlin - Reichstag - mad humanists beard pulled straight from mimbar during the sermon, and devoured in front of terrified believers. The day after the massacre all the reptilian newspapers and TV stations reported that the holy imam was to blame - feeling somewhat insulted humanists, and those little hasty.
Worse yet, shortly known fanatic Hitler appointed Goebbels -humanist - Imam Khoja Reichstag. And now every night, students at Berlin University, along with human rights activists burned forbidden books, among them such gems as ... They burned the great Islamic paintings of past masters: Michelangelo, Ben Raphael, Rubens, da Vinci, Bach scores ibn Beethoven and Mozart Salieri, Ben - music that has for centuries raised to the heights of celestial souls of the faithful.
And when the rest of the faithful Muslims took to the peaceful demonstrations to protest against the humanistic terror, human rights activists pelted them with bottles of Molotov cocktail -Hajji, and selling branded print them as racists, fascists, Nazis cave reactionaries and Jews in general. Most of the Muslim media in a fit of servility long apologized to the National humanists for being honest Muslims offended by them to their public disagreement and dissent. But the remaining intact in the sea of ​​purulent humanism and political correctness islands of decency made ​​entirely innocent cartoons of the Prophet of humanity - simply in order to maintain self-esteem. The SS immediately brought to the streets of European cities, the vast crowd of raging human rights defenders who raided markets and offices, torched cars - demanding exemplary punishment of the press brave dzhigits. This orgy is over the fact that Hitler was forced to appoint inveterate human rights defenders to head the power ministries and agencies.
In order to justify themselves before the Caliph Stalin and peace-loving Muslim community, the leaders decided to organize a Humanist unprecedented provocation. At a secret meeting, they set fire to put the German Muslim shrine - the Reichstag and blame the people entrusted to istinnomusulmanskih. The crime did not shelve: even the next night a detachment assault defenders entered the great mosque and set fire to it at once with all six. When Hitler was informed of the unprecedented ...
In Europe, began the mass persecution of all dissenters and simple -minded people. As a result, a few years, the entire intellectual and artistic elite of the German was forced to emigrate to the sultanate on the edge of the world, the Comanche and Iroquois - just not to fall under the Nuremberg laws of hate for the Protection of Human Rights.
I must say that among the early humanists was not unanimity, among them there were many people sober and carefully concealing his piety. A moderate portion of the humanists insisted on soft punishments for Muslims - in their opinion, ideological - disabled people simply move further out in the ghettos and Bantustans - to isolate their flocks from the corrupting influence of. Among moderate widespread theory of ... But the extremist part of the elite adhered to ideas of national humanism and his opponents believed spineless wimp, unworthy of the title of defenders - SS. As the Jacobins was greater than the Girondins, they proudly called themselves ... The standoff ended in tragedy: a dark night, the Bolsheviks came together and sharpened knives, damask, attacked the sleeping sweetly Mensheviks. That night, filled with moans and wheezes dying, called Night Long Knives. Although in fairness I must say that the knives were not long, but quite common.
Having finished with the moderate wing of his party, human rights activists unbelted utterly: soon all the people who did not meet standards of political correctness and barbaric multiculturalism, were sent to the Procrustean bed - and few returned alive from it. They say that the name is derived from the device invented by the chief pioneer camp at Dachau by the name of Procrustes. He was a terrible, terrible, ugly, and therefore had very original ideas about good and bad, beautiful and ugly. All the prisoners who fell into his hands for correction, he checked on compliance with the standard physical - he cut too much, and stretched the missing.
In addition to official repression, collapsed on the heads of the faithful, there have been absolutely wild extra-judicial killings over the people, steadfastly adhering to the faith in Allah, righteous and merciful. Gangs of young human rights activists on the streets molested gray-bearded old men, demanding to eat a piece of fat pork, or take a picture with the pig in the hands of. Those who refused under any pretext, mercilessly beaten and handed over to the police, who promptly sent people to summer camp. Worse still, the crowd attacked the brutal humanist brave women who dared to go out in a burqa. With their eyes plucked from passers clothing, beatings forcing wear miniskirt, tights and bra with a belt over his naked body. Reasonable women who did not want to sum up their husbands, they took off the veil, and walked the streets in ordinary street dresses and bareheaded girls, not daring to raise his eyes in shame. But the angry activists, human rights activist who joined the Order of feminism, have not given them to live peacefully. Having the nature vile and deeply flawed, feminists immediately saw through the maneuvers of women who have kept a fraction of piety: they are not surprised by simple feminine wiles. Gangs of feminists seized bashful girls and demanded from them to run hundred-meter race at the 15- centimeter heels. Those women that could not withstand cross mocking, hooting crowd sheared by a soldier, made obscene tattoos all over his body, miniskirt and cut to the perfect indecency. When it came to court, it is usually these women were sent to a Muslim ghetto with his family. Those who were able to soften hearted Bar - SS, was sentenced to three years of wearing indecent clothes, and very high heels walking in any weather.
Scary times have come in Europe: Hitler Khan, a de facto retreat from the true faith, and went in the wake of media inhuman ideas of national humanism, and from there to sedition - just one step. Typically, the European yearly sultans sent rich gifts to Russia - not as a bribe or a tribute, but as a sign of deep respect for Big Brother. But then came the Black Year, when these signs of human attention to Hitler seemed unnecessary. Instead, he pulled off to the Russian borders of the Caliphate a great horde of savage tribes in Europe and went to the brother of war.
But the fighting did not begin immediately, because humanists are known for their cunning and guile, first at a secret meeting it was decided wise humane moral Holy Russia expanded. Witnesses say that the Protocols humane ... For this purpose, under the guise of sincere well-wishers and well-wishers in the al- Moscow and other centers of Islamic civilization were sent spies: and they sailed steamers traveling on camels, but in the end - whole regiments of paratroopers defenders dropped right in the heart of Russia. Hirelings of Goebbels in the morning went to the market square and began to embarrass the good of Russian Muslims ominous specter of universal values. Sin is the great and universal paskudstvo even mention the things that they say simple-minded and gullible villagers Moscow. But for all its simplicity, the people of Holy Russia is still not the mind, which he never had, and my heart felt full filth and crime humanist propaganda.
Extremely shamelessly and unscrupulously acted feminists: absolutely devoid of a sense of elemental cycles, they are on the streets of Moscow were seized modest and God-fearing Russian women 's hands - demanding surrender and throw a veil of free love. Their main organization - ... Unfortunately, even in our time are ...
Protests against the prelstiteley and seducers of souls began, as always, in the Russian provinces, where the people have not yet spoiled by computers so damn Internet - the two most vile agents of world imperialism. In the heart of Russia from ancient times there were two ancient cities - and Muhosransk Zazhopinsk. Ancient chronicles Muhosranska argue that it is from here went to the Russian land. Zazhopinskie historians, referring to the sources, say the opposite. Pundits and the al- Moscow, a few centuries, and only to those engaged in that figured out the truth. But it never found out, for each party reinforces his story powerful arguments. So the pride and muhosrantsev zazhopintsev proverbial, and they themselves became a byword among the metropolitan snobs.
But then came a time when metropolitan literati were confounded wretched villagers. In Muhosranske Zazhopinske and, as elsewhere, before the war, there were agents of humanism. And then he built dens of debauchery. First, it has not caused protests among the population - the faithful stretched into public and gambling houses, in order to personally join the European values. But when visiting feminists began to introduce the law of God, instead of sex education lessons in the volume of a university course - worried: after all, so close to sin. In addition, while the activist organization ... Then came the men Muhosranskie and decided it was time to rescue the Holy Russia of the adversary. After muhosrantsy true pride to the fact that they took the first light of true faith - despite all the speculation zazhopintsev. And it's time to show the world the spirit of true- muhosransky. Because the task was great, then they decided to forget old quarrels, and to communicate with zazhopinskim Areopagus for common action. It should be noted that zazhopinskie men were at the height of the political situation. At the joint meeting muhosransko - zazhopinskom vrabotana was a single political platform and program of action called ... Long argued the case on the methods of St.. Muhosrantsy to ease their soul offered to cut all the dissenters, and pads and Tampax bring to fair trial. But more cunning zazhopinskie intellectuals demanded a more subtle approach, for a Euro-optimists in al- Moscow has a strong hand. In the end, decided to pounce on human rights by a plague firefighters, electricians, sanitary- epidemiological service and the Audit Office. Months had passed, as humanists left - muhosransko zazhopinskie limits are not empty-handed. Cleansed from the defilement of the whole population of the two great cities with children and household went to Moscow.
March of the glorious ancient inhabitants of the towns of Moscow, which began as a trickle of human hearts, absorbed all thinking Russia on the road. Muhosrantsy already on the approaches to the capital, lost among the eminent men, hastened to join the patriotic movement, when it is ripe. Zazhopintsy were smarter and squeezed closer to the center. And al- Moscow came under the bells of all the mosques in the river a million faithful. They pitched tents and settled on the Red Square before the Kremlin. From early morning, they fell on their knees and stood firm on them until late at night, praying to the Great Stalin, the Caliph to descend before they tear prosbitsy: to expel from their limits bloody non-governmental organizations, chock full of mercenaries Goebbels. More than just a kneeling zealous muhosrantsy: while the rest of the participants went home otgretsya Maidan, they continued to kneel invincible. Lasted a long time Moscow maidan, and diehard muhosrantsev feat did not go unnoticed: Stalin 's heart could not stand - he heeded the pleas of his people and put them all last- Goebbels their boss. When Hitler came to that Stalin and the Russian people did not succumb to moral corruption, it is unspeakably ostervenyayas, ordered to cross the river.
They say old people, that when Stalin learned the unthinkable betrayal of his brother, he with grief for three days and three nights did neither eat, nor drank, did not attend the harem, and when it came to court, then told everyone a secret that he had lost faith in humanity. However, the duty to the people - above all else: perepoyasavshis sword of piety and devotion to wearing chain mail, Stalin personally led to the Russian war against the infidels. The Grand Vizier Molotov al-Rashid Bin Ogly the same happy day came to the mosque Up Member Basil's Cathedral and addressed with encouraging words to the frightened worshipers. In the whole of Russia as a tocsin sounded his prophetic words: ... And immediately scored big drums of the Internet on the Red Square and the muezzins cried out from the height of the minaret of Ivan the Great. So loudly that I heard the whole country:.

Arise, Islamic country.
Get up to the fight to the death.
With the power of humane dark.
Cursed horde!.

Rotten humane vermin.
Pen brains.
dregs of humanity.
Together a strong coffin!.

By age Caliph Stalin could not personally lead the army, and therefore put at the head of the faithful chief marshal of Genghis Khan, who had distinguished himself as a good governor of Siberia and China. The choice was fortunate: shrewdly avoiding a general engagement, the old Siberian shelf Nazis lured into the country. Minded people condemned the great Russian commander for the surrender without a fight large areas, but soon they realized he was right: under the Moscow gang humanists came tired and bloodless: the supply was hampered by long distances, the protection of communications absorbed all the reserves. Also - the tanks have been thousands of miles and required major repairs, old grease has turned all automatic weapons in the single-shot, and light burnous German Bedouin are not saved from the harsh Russian winter.
Eagle eyed gaze of Genghis Khan from satellites pictures of the theater of military operations and accurately chosen field of Borodino as optimal for the lists heroic. Already known Hafiz Lermontov, seconded to the staff of Genghis Khan, immediately wrote a poem ... The poem is very truthfully and vividly described the heroism of the Faithful. So, is of particular admiration for the feat, and 28 soldiers from the famous Khan tumena Panfilov, who, under the leadership of the company commander Mullah Klochkova threw Molotov cocktails 48 Nazi tanks. No less piety is a feat zazhopintsev 300, which led to their local lord was detained for one week enemy army in close Fermopilskom gorge where rages and roars, the fraction of dark rock, the Moscow River. From this feat of Russian people was only a shot in the wigwams golivudskih Comanche blockbuster ... In the poetic frenzy, the filmmakers have mixed the names or intentionally misrepresented the name of homeland heroes. Remained fragmentary material on lightning raids Caspian Flotilla Admiral Pasha Stenka Razin: his military canoes suddenly swim out past the island on the rod, sunk enemy transport convoy on all the seas. Strictly speaking, and his victory was just a sad song. It is sung that Stenka was beloved Persian princess, who was either an American spy, or the dowry to her father, the Shah of Persia, could not solve the problem. And so he was forced to tearfully quit the girl in the proper wave, which picked up and carried her away, leaving Admiral Stepan Razin completely inconsolable. Another famous poet and a combat pilot ace Pushkin, touched by the story and wrote its sequel - ...
But back to the field of Borodino: Battle walked many days and many nights, stopping only for food and prayer - and prayed only to Muslims and humanists at this time fooled people on the head of political studies. Humanists help to the army itself, Iblis the damned - or does not explain the persistence of such a rabble of mankind, which the faithful have knocked together tightly coffin. But here is the enemy of the human race was tired, and God poured invincible courage in the hearts of Muslims defeated the hordes of defenders, throwing technique, and the wounded, ran to the devastated Smolensk road back to Europe. At the crossing of the Berezina River aggressors tried to resist: to help them profit last reserves of the Reich: Division of feminists ... Frenzied, frostbitten, have lost human form, first lady one of its kind dismayed and put to flight our troops, but he arrived in time to the aid of fresh Guards Tank Army, Marshal Batu Khan: feminists were upset and fled from the battlefield, casting rods, dildos, and even losing . A certain part of them ran to the Hague Court of Human Rights and snow sued the men who have offended again and again is kind of pathetic women.
Only by learning about the death of al- Moscow forces crack Hitler Khan, people all over Europe, terribly oppressed by human rights activists immediately turned against the carrier of democracy. Perturbation gumanizatorov policy was so great that thousands of God-fearing women and their children, perepoyasayavshis plastidom or grenades, went to the offices where the nest defenders and undermining itself, expressing its strong protest and opposition to human rights. They bravely and fearlessly died, making a contribution to the victory and bringing a happy Victory Day. All the newspapers of the world described in detail the achievement of al- Gastello pilot, who sent his Boeing 747, packed full of prominent human rights activists, the building of the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, this terrible place where multikulturniki tortured hundreds of thousands of the faithful.
Going from victory to victory, the Islamic armies encountered flowers and shouts of joy came into Al- Berlin - a den of humanism, political correctness and multiculturalism. The whole world has flown funny joke of Genghis Khan: ... And come to pass: Europe, exhausted by the humanists, was cleared of the filth. What to do with apostates from the true faith? . Everyone saw what atrocities committed humanists in the temporarily occupied territories of Russia: the believers were horrified - this nightmare did not know the universe. On this ground back in Ulyanovsk, the birthplace of the great Lenin, a new direction in religion - Islamofascism. Its essence was to prevent even the fleeting thought, tending to the universal values. Mouthpiece of the new sect became prominent Khoja Judas Iscariot Bay - a man flawed reputation, which for some unseemly things kicked out of Egypt, and who 40 years later wandering in the Sinai desert, until he came to Russia and there found a new, better home. In any event, filling in an autobiography for entry into the Party of Allah, he forgot to mention that I was a cashier in the sect and. Christ for a long time. And that the tax police had serious concerns to him. So the journalist in the national newspaper ... However, sparing fallen under the bad influence and bad example infected, the Caliph Stalin repudiated his zealous Myrmidon, releasing a fatwa: ... Hearing that the lost chance would not be greatly executed, the troops of the humanists turned to a trickle over the decaying fire smoke.
Stalin's mercy knows no bounds: only heard about the fact that his younger brother, Hitler seized the faithful nukers, as he immediately demanded a decisive break with repentance and ideas of humanism. Gentle handling and unbeatable reputation Big Brother had done their work: the tears of remorse overwhelmed by Adolf Hitler, and he returned to the true faith. Stalin was a sign of his mercy and forgiveness again asked him to lead the European Union, but Hitler 's staff took the journey - has become a dervish. For years he wandered across the expanses of the universe, to do good deeds whenever possible generously hand.
However, his companions caught, Stalin showed no mercy: for they are persuaded his brother to the advice of the wicked. In the city of Nuremberg, famous for its bazaars and crafts, came the most prominent kadii and muftis from all over the world to make a fair judgment bunch of worthless people. All of them were thrown on the carpet of Mercy and became acquainted with the Sword of Justice. Wanting to liberate Europe from the plague, and humanistic zealously in his case, the most prominent experts on Sharia on the spot decided to half the population of central Europe impaled as a measure of social protection. But everyone knew that the Caliph boundless mercy: Stalin abolished the harsh sentences, adding that the fish rots from the head, and the people are not to blame for the misdeeds of their leaders. Moreover, he forbade holding mass public lustration, to stop the wave of vendettas and denunciations. For when a humanist in every family there were people who collaborated with human rights organizations. However, individuals who stained themselves with the active cooperation with the humanists, was forbidden to hold certain positions, and artists, glorifying human rights regime, deprived of orders. More harshly done with feminists, referring to the famous paragraph of the law ... The righteous woman begged the Caliph crucify all the fiend on the Appian Way, but Stalin never went on about the ladies. More than that, it is well-known maxim attributed to him: ... And because of all implicated in feminism, or sympathy for him, was sentenced to serve forever commandants workers dormitories, conductors on public transport, cashiers at long halts and teachers in schools for troubled teens. In this field of bad women can not bring great harm to society. And in the end, Stalin recalled all presumptuous purists and justice, Islam - a religion of peace and mercy, not war and violence.
Of course, the functionaries of the human rights organizations, as well as the most rabid feminists have been sent to the Gulag - specially created for their reeducation labor camp. There, in the fertile lands of Siberia, the former orthodox humanism atoned his guilt before mankind. Human Rights underground libels disseminated to the Gulag, in which people supposedly lived, and suffered. This libel is not a word of truth. And in order to convey to people the truth, the famous writer Solzhenitsyn wrote a multivolume study of the ... Especially touching, he described the difficult path of insight of Ivan Denisovich - ruthless former judge of the Hague Tribunal, and now with signs of a true Muslim holy.
After the restoration of historical justice, all breathed a sigh of peace in Europe, and the sleeves rolled up higher, set about restoring the destroyed under National humanist economy. According to the unanimous desire of the faithful have been restored does not cause prying eyes of clothing for women, harems, and five-time prayer. Most of all, happy woman with all my heart with pleasure have thrown off the hated mini-skirts, tights and top shamelessness - panties and bras. Not without its excesses: there were idle men, endowed with the authority that issued orders and delivery within three days the whole immoral clothes and a complete ban on trade in seals and Tampax. In the words of a well-known ulema and Khwaja Engels: ... And it's true: after installation, if they are not abused, will not bring harm to.
To prevent the spread of ideas of national humanism in the future, was established the Islamic Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe \\ OSCE \... Its functions were mainly monitoring the rights of Muslims and the suppression of the workers are all sorts of debauchery. Thus, there were new laws that deny a license all TV channels except ... All the rest, as doubtful and worthless simply been closed. As rightly said the spiritual leader of Islamofascists Judas Iscariot: ... And if he says something that contradicts the Koran - that it is harmful ... In addition, the use of humanistic symbolism is now at the urging of Islamofascists equated with possession of child pornography. An attempt to publicly deny the crime, human rights organizations, as well as acts of genocide humanist, was punished with 10 years of concentration camp. Skeptics feared ostronegativnoy reaction of progressive and peaceful European society in the implementation of a strong light the ideals of Islamofascism, but they were mistaken: the Europeans have adopted a new understanding of the doctrine, because it is very tormented Nazi defenders of their terror.
Revived the old Muslim shrine - a lot of mosques blown up, or humanists, or turned into dens of debauchery. Thus, the great Mosque of Paris - Bastille - razed to the ground and in its place made ​​a place for lewd dancing. Berlin's main mosque left in place, arranging a prayer hall in the tank stable and tortured in the cellars of the Faithful. Immediately after the end of the domestic jihad it was repaired and re- painted the well-known artists and mystics who have suffered in the dungeons of humanists - Jean Effel and Herluf Bidstrup. Consecrated its own soldiers victorious, leaving the walls of a great many autographs. On this occasion a large group of Impressionist painters, led by Gauguin, Ben El Picasso Renoir wrote the epic ...
Caliph Stalin, remembering the great deeds of muhosrantsev, decided to pay tribute to them. At the grand banquet to mark the victory, he raised a toast to the invincible patience muhosranskoe. He sincerely thanked them for their indestructible ability to kneel before God, according to the authorities and expressed the hope that this remarkable quality will teach the world.
But that 's not all: in the struggle against national humanists faithful to the Russian soldiers had great help from the emirs of the pagan. Thus, Churchill Bahadar led on the battlefield at Borodino regiments Angles and Saxons, perturbed cunning policy of Chamberlain Lionheart. Roosevelt Noyon rode at the head of tens of thousands of brave men, the Apaches, whose fierce Iroquois, secretly sympathetic to human rights defenders, deprived of the best hunting grounds and fishing. Appalled by the greatness of Stalin, they herd all accepted Islam and fought with the humanists to the last drop of blood. For these and other services to Churchill, Stalin granted Bahadar Sultanate of London, and the Roosevelt - Noyon - Washington Emirate for an everlasting possession. Helping them generous military and financial aid, Stalin sent them to the West to bring the light of his eyes. What they did in the end.
After completion of the great jihad, Stalin returned to the Caliph al- obedient to Moscow. He ruled for another 100, and then more years to the delight of all the faithful and not only Russian people. And when it came Razluchitelnitsa Assemblies and the Destroyer of Delights, he greeted her with due respect.
Time pours like sand through his hands - and no one will stop. And if you stop - you will regret, as hard to keep in the hands of even a part -time. Let it be a thing of the past is easy. And quietly turns into a fairy tale.

Leonid Bagmut.

Permanent address.

News from Skypecine. com.

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