Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Saturday Review - Homeless beer bottle

New Year's discount. Today the price of X-soft: Satellite-X (. 28. 35WMZ. ), AutoBlog-X (. 24. 90WMZ. ), Dorgen-X (. 24. 00WMZ. ). Tomorrow will be the new prices!.

I do not really understand when I asked to write a review held bloggers with established, stable audience, often exceeding my least the number of subscribers. It seems that everything is good in people, so no - Give them another and a review of praise once again. After all, even the criticism they find in the PR and properly considered. However, since the application was sent, then try and consider. But for a brand new offer two old, so we have a combined review of two blogs: Homeless bums and beer bottles.

Blog homeless vagrants is an example of how to look professional blog: neat conclusion articles, rich sidebar, relevant placement of graphic elements. I love these sites are designed. We immediately see that the soul companion went to the child. And what to do, except if there is nothing to boast and govnosaytov. Just kidding, just kidding. There is still a tramp in the portfolio and the blogs rating and a fun project for finstripam and social network for bloggers. T. e. All significant projects still swirling in blogging.

Almost all of the top bloggers write competently, and they ashipki are conceptual in nature and are inserted to make the sentence more emotional coloring, and not because he is illiterate blogger. Frankly, I do not know any chiliarchs to write with errors. Well, except that Bournisien five years will make it.

Complete a full tramp materials for teaching, I remember, not just lazy writing, as to make such materials useful for PR among the newcomers and rising traffic on the blog.

In general, there is nothing to dig. Therefore, we will not talk about the blog and the author. What does the excessive accuracy in conjunction with the original image is developed by and drinkers? . Service growth and development of international projects. T. e. adherence to the principles there is a classic blog promotion. Would say, in Popovsky. But not here Popov was the ancestor of. He probably first popularized these principles. 30 commandments of blogging. from tramp once again confirm this.

And where, eptel, the soul of the author? .

So a huge gap in my perception of the image of a guy with the ear flaps on a photo blog and the author described. The first is similar to a normal, humble little guy, sometimes prone to extreme behavior. The second resembles prudent webmaster, traffic pulling up to the last penny out of every corner of the blogosphere and search engines. Question: Who to believe?.

Actually, on this open question, we stop to this blog, we give. link. and proceed to the next blog.

Remember the blog about the seller of meat? .

It is obvious that the author never webmaster and SEOs. Rather addictive for Internet. Blog is on his knee, blocks prishlepany anyhow, no one is right and never blogap neklikaemy Adsense. Well, FIG. The point is not that. The case - the beer!.

The author came up with her ​​, or steal someone else's classification of varieties and relishes, through its activities, a variety of others, giving estimates. You can disagree with these estimates, we can ignore, but the number of varieties is immense considered. And for this one thanks to the author.

In some places the author describes his life as a seller. If I understand correctly - the author of several retail outlets and a small bottling wholesale. Follow the development of trade and interesting places exciting. In general, the history of the conquest of the market differs little from the history of the seller of meat, only the product of a different scale, and more sympathetic. That means roughly equal to initiatives in the retail. Do you want to sell - study your bite off a piece of the sun. It would be more of such articles. And about the beer - less. But who am I to advise the author.

A blog by the way, too, like your blog a few lines above, is in Popovski. But all this publishing house has a thick smell of amateur stuff. Like and pictures for each article, and language literate, and a clear division into blocks with a selection of significant items on the page, but leaves the impression that the beer brewers, and the webmaster - vebovoe.

However, even such minimal effort was enough to generate a constant loyal audience, a large number of subscribers, the constant attendance of high-quality. So, a simple combination: a thematic blog priest's rule can be derived almost any blog on the good attendance.

Of course, this does not negate the interesting material to our author, but rather, I want to say that you can write very well, but do not have the popularity. Although sometimes the converse is true. But in a beer bottle all the way through. I recommend anyone who is not indifferent to the topics of beer and a small business. The rest will be boring.

Reference:. beerbottle. ru.

Did you miss the glory? . masterxbablorub @ gmail. com. And attach photos and blog address and restore sexual function in the same volume! .

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